Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Mother's mac and cheese

White sauce
2 T butter
2 T flour
1 1/2 C milk
1 C cheddar cheese (approximately)

Melt butter in a saucepan. Add flour and mix it until it hardens and clumps. Mix milk in with butter and flour. Add salt and pepper to taste (1/4 t to start). Mix in cheese (you can add as much as you want).

Add white sauce (which is now yellow) to macaroni and mix together. You may need to re-warm the noodles before adding the white sauce.

I've made this a few times and each time I do it seems a little gritty. If you guys can figure out how to fix that I'd be very appreciative. Happy eating!

1 comment:

Katie said...

Alright, I don't know if I am allowed to comment or not, but I was reading Deborah's comment and may have some advice (maybe). I think the reason the sauce is gritty is maybe because the milk is too cold when you add it?? You might want to try room temperature (or a little warmer) and just keep mixing it until the flour mixture is broken up. Also, try doing it this way: after the butter is melted, add flour, cook stirring for 1 minute. Then slowly pour warm/hot milk into mixture keeping smooth. Stir constantly for 8-10 minutes until thickened. Let me know how that works out!!